Ballade Photographique a Cogolin

July 21, 2015  •  Leave a Comment


France, the Provence and the Cote d´Azur is known for its touristic megaspots like Nice, Cannes, St. Tropez etc. But these places are going to loose its character as soon as it becomes more and more a spot of the tourist map....
But luckily there are places which are less touristic and therefore more traditional Provençal. One of these places is Cogolin. It is not at the sea, it exists nearly 1000 years and it has a low amount of traditional touristic attractions. But this little town (a bit above 10.000 people) is a place where people live who work in the region have been growing up there and most of them will die there, too... But even if its not touristic - most of the people are earning money which is related to the tourist industry.
This Blog entry tells you about a morning walk through the village to shop for breakfast... I did this walk with my LUMIX G7 and the phantastic Leica Elmarit 2.8 45mm lens - a bit unusual combination for kind of street photography but decide on your own...
One thing I like very much is the amount of flowers in the streets. Even if the streets are really narrow and covered with asphalt mostly every house has some flowers.
But not only the flowers are amazing, there are much more details to be seen, like this fence....
What is interesting is the level of cleanliness in these village. The roads get cleaned really often  and the litter is collected daily...
Shopping is an amazing experience - in terms of quality and variety...
And there a re so many flowers -everywhere...
Ok... walking to the shop to buy some cheese and rillettes I made a little stop for a cup off coffee... 
Petit DejeunerPetit Dejeuner
The Cote d'Azur is known for its wine. And especially for rose. It is a very special taste and some people like it even for breakfast....

Boulangerie du Platane in Cogolin. I do love this place! The pastry there is the among the best on the planet. Definitely! I can prove this.... Some of the specialties are shown here, but even a simple croissant or a pain au chocolat: I could die for it...

You will find it on Facebook:âtisserie-Boulangerie-du-Platane-Cogolin-

On my last steps to the flat where we had the breakfast I passed some of the old houses of Cogolin. The vibrant colors and the geometrical forms are really nice...
And there is one more topic: cats. Many people have one or two cats, and they live an the street and on the roofs. If you have a balcony in the 2nd floor, it may happen that one of the neighbors cats will enter your flat from the balcony...
Some remarks:
This was not the first time I was with my camera in this village. Here are the links to 2 more ballades,
Both were shot with my iPhone... 
All photos are JPGs right out of the Camera, as usual it take some time to get the RAW converter from Apple...
Isn´t it amazing how many nice stuff you can see walking a couple of meters through a village...


And if you like to see these photos in detail: You will find them here:



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