Evening Shooting @ Milaneo Constructions and New Stuttgart Library

August 01, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Yesterday Evening I was at the New Library. A very reduced new building, From the Korean architect Eun Young Yi, opened October 2011, just 2 years old. As you can Imagine it is a building which polarizes the people. 


But there is not only the Library. There is a huge construction work going on as well. On on side They buil the new subway, on the other side a big big shopping mall -called Milaneo- is build. In combination with the light situation, the cranes and the library there is a very special atmosphere...

The construction side of the new subway line. You can easily identify the 2 new tunnels which are build while the normal subway traffic is going on.

On step higher: here you can see the subway # 15 entering the station which brings people to the library and the hospital nearby. 

The amazing density of cranes on that point....

To get the whole scenery on the picture it is pretty tricky. The panoramic view to the north contents out of 4 photos - Wide Angel 17mm focal length. To stitch the panorama I had to do it in 2 steps first the building, than the construction side and than stitched the 2 stitched images together. These kind of photos are pushing the stitching software to the limit... (Maybe the a tilt-shift lens would make things easier...)






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